Sunday, September 23, 2012

A picture is worth a thousand words

I had the opportunity to hear so many amazing stories this past month!  Hearing the why part of people's story, and the struggles that come along with their accomplishment - is just a reminder that we are all human. There's no super heroes here who get up every morning at 4am to drink 5 eggs (just watched Rocky for the first time - new favorite movie!) and then go work out for 2 hours.  Honestly, my morning starts like this:

I snooze for at least 30 minutes after my alarm goes off, then think of every excuse under the sun to text my health coach for not showing up to work out....

"I had a flat tire! Sorry won't make it today:-( "  -  I hope I don't jinx myself and really get a flat tire

"Not feeling so hot, I think I've got the flu."

"Ooops, over-slept. Maybe next time"

"Couldn't find matching socks, won't be able to make it!"

If you know me, you know my socks usually don't match. I mean, what a pain? Trying to keep your socks matching - that's just too much for me. I have other things to do (like hit the snooze button). So I just get them close enough (don't tell mom).  But that's irrelevant - my point is by being open and honest with each other about the why part, and the struggles that come along with making a change, you're actually encouraging others around you. I have found out lately, that a lot of us have similar stories and - - everyone struggles.  No one decides to make a change and then it happens with no effort. 
So let's share our stories with each other, the good, and the bad. Let's share what we've struggled with, and how we overcame those struggles; or how we haven't overcome them yet.

I want to share Natalie's story with you, who has made the choice to change. The first time I met Natalie was at a wedding in Oklahoma City, maybe 3 years ago?  We were sitting at the same table, and bonded over the tortures of being a nurse.  Something that we both complain about constantly - but actually both love dearly (never get a bunch of nurses sharing stories at the dinner table - you're bound to become nauseous).
This is Natalie's story.  I'm excited to share her story because Natalie is extremely busy.  She works full time as a registered nurse, and is also working on her masters degree. Oh yeah - and trying to have a life by balancing friends, family, and 'day to day'.  But she's decided to take the time to make some serious changes for herself.   Plus - I learned a lot from reading her story! She's full of great advice.

What was the point that you decided to make a change? What was your inspiration?

Well, I have been a dedicated gym rat for the past 3 years. I really love exercising, including yoga, spin class, and pretty much anything you could think of, but to be honest I wasn't seeing many results. I felt like I had tried pretty much everything under the sun. I was frustrated, and losing focus. I have a full plate already, so with school and a full-time job I completely lost motivation. During a work-out one day, I saw somebody with a personal trainer. I thought to myself, "Boy, that would be nice! Who has time for that, though?" As I was leaving the gym, he approached me and gave me his card. I saw him again the next week, and he spent about thirty minutes talking to me about what he does. I have always had a desire to be in the best possible shape I could be in, and it was like he read my mind! I decided then and there that this could be the change I needed to regain focus, and I really needed somebody other than myself to help motivate me, because I am constantly on the go. Sometimes the last thing in the world I want to do is exercise.

How did you lose your weight?

My trainer rocks! Now, more than ever, I really believe that diet is the key. My trainer took me to the grocery store, and helped me load up my grocery cart with things he wanted me to eat every day. I eat anywhere from 5-8 times a day, and there are some things I don't eat at all (no dairy, which is a bummer). I am a person that works really well with extremes, so cutting something like that out completely works better than allowing a little bit. He has me on a clean diet, so no more sodas (he says a Coke is better than a Diet Coke), and I eat everything in pretty much the simplest form it comes in, with no preservatives or additives. I also keep a daily food diary, which helps to keep me accountable. I train with him three times a week, and the other four I do cardio on my own. We do a lot of plyometrics, lifting, and drills. Now, I really look forward to exercising, and it is one of the best parts of my day.


Was there ever a time during your weight loss that you became incredibly frustrated, if yes, what made you and how did you handle it?

Yes! With as strict of a diet as I am on, about 3 weeks in I was not seeing many results. In fact, at first I gained a pound. It can feel so defeating to be working hard at the gym and on the diet and not see results. I knew that I needed to stick with it, and my trainer encouraged me that my metabolism was changing, and with my body type there is usually a stagnation right before a huge drop in weight. I have a great support system at home and at the gym that kept me motivated. Taking my food diary in helped as well, so we could tweak some things when we weren't seeing results.

What would you tell people who are wanting to lose weight?

You can make it happen! I think the hardest part is making the decision to change. There were a lot of things I did not want to give up, especially cheese! But, at the end of the day, it is JUST food. There are a lot of great alternatives, and I think diet is a huge hurdle for a lot of people. Once you are able to say no to your cravings, you realize that you really don't need those things, and the cravings pretty much go away. Cravings for the things you are supposed to eat begin, and cravings for the junk food disappear.

How much weight have you lost?

In about five and a half weeks, 10 pounds!

What does your weight loss mean to you? How did it change your life?

I feel like I can accomplish anything if I set my mind to it. Honestly, I realize that if I have goals that I want to achieve, I can make them happen with a great amount of determination and some sacrifice. I feel like I am more organized now, because I have to be. I know that I have to work-out every day. It is not a question of if, but when. I plan that out depending on my work schedule, and know that if I don't do it then my school work will suffer. I am actually saving money, too, since I rarely go out to eat. I am down about two dress sizes, so I will soon be in need of a new wardrobe (which is scary and exciting).

If you have a story to share, I would love to hear it!

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