Wednesday, October 3, 2012

To do more

My journey to an active, healthy lifestyle has been awesome!  But let's be honest.... it doesn't just happen.  There's a lot of ups and downs along the way....

UP: Day to day, I feel better. 
DOWN: I'm sore. 

UP: My energy level is through the roof.
DOWN: Getting up early.

UP: Getting to know people, and hearing their stories.

DOWN: Going for a run with Dexter (my dog) and carrying his poop for blocks because I can't find a trash can.  
UP: Getting Dexter some exercise!

DOWN: Organizing food/grocery.
UP: Always having good healthy snacks

DOWN: There's so much I don't know.
UP: Learning new things I didn't know.

DOWN: There's so much I can't do (hand stand challenges? don't think so!)
UP: Learning to do things I thought I couldn't do (chin ups!)

UP: Helping others find the "up" side of things.

UP: Being excited to try on new clothes.

UP: The way you feel after a good work out

UP: Not being restricted to do the "easy hike" on the mountain because you're out of shape

UP:  Get the picture??

I have realized that the work outs I end up skipping, are the ones that I do alone.  One Saturday, I went for a run then laid on the couch the rest of the day (don't tell). I dread getting out of bed for an early work out, but then I'm always glad that I did.
 It's about the journey and who you have to share it with!  I have loved getting to hear from y'all. Thank you to everyone who's shared with me and joined me in this!! KEEP GOING!!!

Questions? Comments? Interested in joining me?

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